Residential Services
Our programs provide direct care services for people that have
disabilities. Some of our services include:
- Intensive Tenant Support
- Community Protection Support
- Independent Living
- Supported Living
Our programs are always individualized and based on each person's needs
and desires. We provide:
- 24-hour support and advocacy
- Community Integration
- Assistance in connecting to local services
- Skill development to assist people to live independently
Our staff help teach customers the key components of community life:
- Daily Living Skills
- Money Management
- Social Skills
- Vocational Skills
- Anger Management Techniques
- Problem Solving Skills
- Human Sexuality & Safety
We specialize in areas of intense need such as:
- 24-hour care and supervision
- Support which always emphasizes independence and choice
- Encouragement to assert individual tastes and talents
- Assistance with access and referrals to other community agencies
- Encouragement and nurturing of meaningful relationships with family
and friends.
We provide the highest quality of service while providing a rewarding
work place for staff.
For more information, please contact us at:
Rehabco, Inc.
117 N. 1st St., Suite 20
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
(360) 336-3136 ext.
Fax: (360) 336-1099